Воскресенье, 02.02.2025, 04:43
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Всё для студента СГА, СГУ, СГИ
Бесплатные вопросы-ответы к тестам, домашки, рефераты, курсовые, логические схемы, дипломные, юниты, ответы на билеты и многое другое.Всё для студента СГА, СГУ, СГИ-ТУТ.
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: yasnickov (31.10.2009)
Просмотров: 1576 | Комментарии: 6 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 4
4 Liahillip  
Earn up to $3500/month just by taking simple surveys online!

I tried one of those online survey sites about 4 months ago that
say all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes filling out
some surveys and you will be making hundreds a day..... YEAH RIGHT, I didn't make anything.

I joined 7 of these stupid websites and I actually tried filling
out a couple of surveys on each site and they took forever then at
the end they wanted me to buy things or I couldn't complete the

These are complete scams so be aware!!! I couldn't believe they
were even allowed to sell such bogus products.

Then about 2 weeks ago I was watching the news and they had some
vice presidents and marketing managers of some major multi million
dollar companies talking about a site that they personally work
with to pay consumers for their opinion, A site that actually just
wants the "average Joe's" honest opinion on products and services
and is willing to pay big money to get them. for more information
clik here: http://take-survey-and-get-money.info

3 татьяна  
домашние работы1514,01,01 1514,02,01.

2 yasnickov  
Куда прислать то?

1 света  
пришлите пожалуйста 0028.06.04 тт 02.1 и 1266.01.01 тт 01.1 ЗАРАНЕЕ, СПАСИБО!!!

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